the kay + co referral program
Tell your friends about how much you love Kay + Co — they’ll get $50 off their booking + you’ll get $50 in your pocket!
How it works:
Tell your friends about Kay + Co.
Your friends book with us + get $50 off their services.*
We’ll Venmo you $50!
give $50, get $50.
Here’s an example of how to share about Kay + Co! Feel free to copy + paste the following text, or make it your own:
Hi friend! I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about Kay + Co — they’re a concierge + decor service for bachelorettes + girls’ weekends in Charleston, South Carolina! I think their services would be perfect for that weekend you’re planning. Here’s a link to their website — mention my name + email address in the referral section + you’ll get $50 off your booking!
Don’t forget to include our website link! It’s :)
Once we receive your friend’s inquiry + they’ve paid their initial deposit, we’ll send you your cash. Get ready to treat yourself!
*Unfortunately, the promo can’t be applied to our fill-the-fridge services.
looking for influencer info?
If you’re an influencer + you’re traveling to one of our cities for a bachelorette or another event, we’d love to hear from you! Email with your media kit + we can discuss partnerships. We can’t wait to hear from you!