five creative fall bachelorette ideas I love

Looking for ideas for your bestie's bachelorette that don't involve clubs, bar hopping, & blacking out? We've rounded up five creative ideas for your fall bachelorette party to inspire you & hopefully, create some memories that will last long past the weekend!

(Psst: this post contains affiliate links, which means that if you buy something I talk about, I receive a small compensation that keeps my website & company running! That being said, all opinions are my own & I genuinely endorse everything I suggest to my readers. For my full disclosure policy regarding affiliate links & compensation, click here.)

Go "glamping" with your girls. 

Check out this Camping Bachelorette Inspiration Board from Ultimate Bridesmaid -- we love the idea of giving out camping-themed favors like these campfire-scented candles in a tin mug and making breakfast around a fire. Brit + Co also wrote a great guide to glamping, which even includes how to DIY a trunk canopy if you want to sleep under the stars. Get ready to become one with the outdoors! Or not.. they have campers, too. 

by Vintage Revivals via Ultimate Bridesmaid

by Vintage Revivals via Ultimate Bridesmaid

Host a brunch in your jammies. 

This bachelorette brunch where all the girls wore pajama sets is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen -- let's just say, if you decide to host a bachelorette brunch like this, I'll be expecting an invite. Camille Styles nailed it with her pool-side bagel bar, rosé cocktails, and Plum Pretty Sugar rompers and robes -- I'm especially obsessed with these kimonos that you can order from Amazon if you want free shipping (because that sh*t adds up!). Cheers -- and save me a bagel! 

by Camille Styles via Pinterest

DIY a photo booth with adorable props.

I love this idea so much that I'm actually using it for a bachelorette party that I have in town this weekend -- I used Etsy to find photo booth props that were available via instant download, and I'm DIY-ing a light, portable frame that the girls can use to take selfies with the Instax camera that I bought for them. What better way to remember your weekend than with actual photos you can take home? 

by PaperBuiltShop on Etsy

by PaperBuiltShop on Etsy

Cozy up with a bachelorette picnic.

Few things are cuter than picnic baskets holding flowers, which is why this Bachella party is so dreamy.. and easy to recreate, whether you stick to the music festival theme or not. Pick a few key colors to decorate with and toss in a fun activity like making flower crowns or tassel necklaces, and you've got yourself an easy outdoor party! 

by TrueBlu via Pinterest

by TrueBlu via Pinterest

Speaking of flower crowns...

Floral arranging and flower crown crafting is all the rage right now, and we love it! This DIY from Simple As That makes it super easy, and you'll end up with the perfect accessory if you do decide to go out on the town. Plus, your pictures will look like you've got a real-life Snapchat filter! How cute is that? PS: If you're in Charleston, we can set up a flower crown bar for you with a local florist, plus we'll bring all the supplies for a bubbly bar! Check out our flower crown package here.

by Simple As That via Pinterest

by Simple As That via Pinterest

We hope you love these ideas, and we'd really love if you'd show us how you're making your own bachelorette or bridal shower unique! Share your ideas with us in the comments, and if we really love what you're up to, we might even email you to submit a post! 

